Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Debunking Demonic Mary Elizabeth Abbas

The purpose of this blog is to try and make some sense of the mayhem that has been going on in the MJ Fan/Fam community. In particular, the recent campaign against my friend Taaj Malik. Recently added to the list of all things Taaj has supposedly done, are the actions of one Jennifer Jones.  I will get into that in just a moment.

Michael is the reason why we all are here -- seeking justice for his murder, the supposed goal. Much too much, his name has been used to destroy one another, compete for attention, while various groups raise their mighty flags, claiming the victor. Taaj Malik is a very influential voice in the community, she is known throughout the Justice For Michael Movement and has done various interviews for print media, appeared on television and knows and is acknowledged by Jackson family members. When we are dealing with Michael and the Jackson Family, this will cause fits of jealousy, proof of this... would be various blogs created by various groups directed to the Jackson Family to warn them of the "Dangers" of dealing with Taaj Malik. Michael's family is grieving and trying to make it through a real life loss. They cannot walk away from this, the way members of the community can. Yet, insensitive bloggers decided to make that process more difficult by bombarding them with their pettiness. Running to them about a girl fight, all while they've just laid their Child Father and Son to rest. Does this make sense to any of you? Would you really want to hear about such nonsense during the most difficult time in your life? 

In the MJ Fan/Fam community, people have been jockeying for position since the beginning, go ahead do some research, check it out... Taaj doesn't have a big budget or powerful backers. No Business/Corp funds her site, pays for expensive transcripts, videos and/or its production. No sponsorship banners of any sort. No one has staffed her with paid bloggers and site administrators. Up until hateful people encroached on her personal space, Taaj had her own business...she was a hard working woman. Taaj did honest work, maintaining people's homes. She had many clients whom trusted her with their worlds, Taaj worked caretaking massive properties and gained the trust of her clients. Taaj drove to work daily and provided for her family; her business was her livelihood and very lucrative. This put a roof over her and her child's head, fed her baby and helped her fund her pursuits for justice. Taaj didn't start big campaigns soliciting donations for her pursuit of justice. She is in LA on her own, her family is thousands of miles away and ya know... forgive her for believing family doesn't necessarily have to share your blood or DNA. Michael's fans became her family, she trusted them and shared with them her life, her story, her location. It was all well and good until she started to get the attention that so many desperately sought. Things that were shared in the intimacy of trust, became the ammunition for a declaration of war. When you see things like this take place, you have to ask yourself what is the real motive for the friendships, the supposed organizing of groups and campaigns. Was it really for justice? A question that I ask myself quite often and over time it has revealed itself, more and more.

As a result of jealousy (such a low vibration of thought as it will justify in your own head the dirty deeds that you do) Taaj lost her clients. They experienced the same hateful blogs that the Jackson family did, warning of the "Dangers" of dealing with Taaj Malik. This was conveyed to her clients in one way or the other.  The internet being the machine that it is, can be used to build or destroy. Potential and current clients use the internet to research those that they doing background searches and sifting through reviews. What did you think would happen when they found blogs upon blogs of hate on Taaj Malik and fake reviews of her work. The blogs were filled with lies  and nonsense about her mental stability, accusations of theft and much more. To date Taaj has had over 100 hate blogs removed from the net. This would and did frighten away clients, they began cancelling bookings  and nullifying contracts. You know how it is in this world; people look out for themselves and are concerned about their own lives and how these "supposed truths" about Taaj would impact them personally. These hateful people were quite devilish in their approach, labeling her a thief, homeowners naturally would worry about their property. Labeling her mentally unstable they would worry about their lives and the lives of their children, labeling her an illegal immigrant employers would be scared that they would run the risk of a tax audit or worse. Do you see how on-purpose and calculated this all is. Funny thing many of these bloggers and site heads that push this are non-American nationals themselves. Have you really asked yourselves, why Taaj? On Twitter the campaign to destroy her life and assassinate her character continued... Hateful groups took on an elitist stance (perhaps mimicking the views of their backers and most definitely their own insecurities) they bullied and ridiculed her about her honest work. They called her a toilet cleaner and a maid. Clarification here... Taaj had her OWN BUSINESS providing a service just like any other contractor hired for a service, nothing demeaning about helping someone care for their homes. They circulated rumors about her residency status and threatened to call immigration and the INS and they did....Taaj is still here because those lies aren't true.

Taaj's beautiful minor daughter was paraded around FB and other social media sites. These same hateful people took her photos and photoshopped them, created an advertisement soliciting sex with a minor. Seriously!?!.... This is how sick the minds are of the people that you follow and support in your own hate filled rage. I guess it's my naivety that keeps me in a state of shock as even Michael's own children were taunted photoshopped and threatened with death. Called spoiled and chastised in a public forum by strangers, all to be kissed up to later, yet...that's another story. So pardon Taaj for reaching her breaking point after taking the high road for the past four years. Yes Taaj will give you an ear full, she is fiery and has the right to self-defense.  She makes her statement, speaks her mind and moves on. Taaj has had to remove over ONE HUNDRED hate blogs dedicated to her, would this not have an effect on you, yet people have said that Taaj is the cause of all the strife that goes on the community, Taaj didn't write these blogs about herself and she certainly hasn't written blogs about anyone else. Her daughter has had to deal with bullies at school and see vicious things about Mommy and watch her cry or yell in pain from a broken heart and wanting to just be left alone.

Our Taaj is strong, she kept moving, kept going...losing her business, having the license plates to her vehicle tracked, people putting the life of herself and her daughter in danger, didn't deter her. Even if you don't like her, a woman you really don't know, can't you at least give her respect for that? You must know it wasn't easy, it still isn't. The strong always think of the greater good, while their own needs get pushed to the back burner. Her child knows Mommy as a Hero and this enlightened child was taught to be strong and not to allow the injustice of others to go unchecked. In life all is an experience, a lesson to be learned and these two have become stronger and much better people for it. The Princess much like Michael's children had to learn early in life, that there are not-so-great people out here and that you must stick with family and hold true to your beliefs no matter what. 

I'm talking to you all about this as we must learn to treat people as we want to be treated and when that doesn't work... sometimes you must show people by example. Some personalities need to be faced with the evils that they have done in order to get it. Sadly even then, some still don't learn. Taaj  has been accused of such wrong doing without any shred of proof provided, yet this has gone on unchecked and perceived as true. A lie gets told enough and spread in enough places, its seen as the gospel. Aren't we all fighting for... and demanding that the falsehoods against Michael that destroyed his life and affected the lives of his family be stopped? Why should Taaj be treated any differently? Do you think that Michael would condone one of his advocates being treated this way? Especially after knowing what she has given and what she has lost as a result.

Jennifer Jones resurfaced in the community some months back, she said she wanted to re-introduce light into the MJ Fan base. As I watched her work as we all did, she seemed to be making a difference. So many were so eager to assist her, they even formed special groups with her, that had an adjunct division from the main community. Some even took her to be the one to unseat Taaj from her post. It's crazy how some minds work, there is always search of the "One", when there are actually Many. She came, identity unknown at first, and started to rally the troops so to speak. She talked about love and sticking together, she wanted to rid the community of bullies and the mean spirited. Jennifer exploited the needs of the community members and the pure hearts of those who really only want to love. Those that didn't feel accepted or included now did, and were willing to forgo their friendships and loyalties with others to do so. I ask how is this Taaj's fault? 

In this community a head nod or endorsement of Taaj is extremely valuable... The same way many of you feel that you were deceived and led astray by a con woman -- what makes you feel that Taaj doesn't feel the same? Taaj was approached by this woman under false pretenses -- Taaj's forgiving heart preyed upon. Taaj forgives everyone, she truly does... Before long Jennifer's true identity was revealed, something about her rang familiar to Taaj. It's really hard to discern a personality behind a computer. Taaj, if you are honest and remember, didn't have much interaction with Jennifer, there were various things going on for justice at the time. Taaj and her team were tending to that, the auctions at Juliens and John Branca's antics. AEG being exposed and the rest of the hard work that goes into justice. When you looked at the functionality of the community, Taaj was here and Jennifer was there. 

Taaj was not the only one who knew Jennifer Jones back when -- Mary Abass did as well, as did many others still here in the community. Taaj is faulted for not warning the community of Jennifer Jones's past transgressions. Taaj does not live her life as the community police, she is not judge and jury, none of us are. Everyone is entitled to a second or third, as given out chances is not our job but God's. Jennifer, known to the community as Kennedy.... asked for forgiveness, claimed to be rid of her old ways and provided proof that she returned money to the handful of fans that she swindled. Now to be crystal clear: Her behaviors are not condoned, but I like things in their proper context.
Mary Abass and others have decided that Taaj is the reason why Jennifer Jones ran amuck in the community and that Taaj withheld her identity for her own gain. What did Taaj gain from Jennifer Jones...absolutely nothing. Taaj didn't tell anyone to give this woman their personal emails and numbers, Taaj actually requested that it stop, remember that... She requested that the DMs and emails stop. Jennifer had been emailing all of Taaj's supporters and all within the community. Jennifer had bad mouthed Taaj and planted seeds of doubt about her just to get people to join her. The ones that would remain loyal to Taaj and didn't really trust this stranger, Jennifer would act like she was Taaj's greatest supporter and friend. This is how she entrenched herself so deep within the community. If you learn and befriend the enemies of your enemy, you know the saying.... Taaj did not tell anyone to donate to Jennifer Jones, in actuality Jennifer had been soliciting donations in Taaj's name, claiming that it was to assist Taaj in the pursuit of justice. When Taaj found out, Taaj exposed Jennifer right away. Taaj did not work with Jennifer or the character Kennedy closely, there was no personal relationship there. Jennifer/Kennedy used Taaj's position to solidify herself in the community, so that she could carry out her own agenda. If it looks like we are somewhat friendly and we commune on Twitter, than I can tell anyone that I am your friend and work on your behalf. Taaj only believed in restoring love to the community and ridding it of bullies so that the good people that left or no longer feel comfortable here could return. Jennifer appeared to be doing a good job and it appeared the fans were receptive to her, Taaj stood behind that and she only discovered her real identity when Kennedy tried to steal in Taaj's name. That's when she took a closer look at who was trying to use her and discovered that Kennedy was actually Jennifer Jones. Jennifer came clean in attempts to save herself . Again Taaj is not the police, Jennifer said she would leave and Taaj would not have to give her identity, Taaj has a heart and the woman had already shamed herself, she just asked that she go and made sure that she didn't take anything from anyone and if she did those people would get Jennifer 's information so that they could be compensated. Jennifer came back and hid behind the scenes still trying to carry out her con and that's when Taaj gave her name, this was the only way that Jennifer would finally stop. 

We all were here to witness this, we were all stunned and shocked. Everyone had began to tweet about their own stories and interactions with Jennifer. At what point did it become Taaj's fault? No one was blaming Taaj initially. Abass knew Jennifer Jones, many others knew her as well... so if you want to blame Taaj, you best blame them as well or even yourselves. You were in her secret meetings and you knew the things she said and all of it didn't sound too kosher, I'm sure. Jennifer divulged her true identity to people even before she did to Taaj. Yet again, people want to cover their tracks, so this gets dropped on Taaj. You can't blame Taaj for your personal actions, no more than you can blame her for the actions of Jennifer. 

No one wants to be made a fool of, no one wants their hard earned money taken away after they felt good inside for helping someone. You think you are giving charity to a worthwhile cause, only to find out that you have been taken advantage of. Of course that is going to cause you pain, but blaming Taaj is not going to make that go away. Be proud of what you done -- your real intentions to help -- and know that karma will handle the rest. Taaj was taken advantage of just as much as the next person that had interactions with Jennifer Jones. It was Taaj's name, her team and her character within the community that was used. Her kindness and her compassion for the woman, that was taken advantage of...How do you think Taaj feels in all this?  She has dedicated her life to Justice for Michael -- and to think people are trying to take that all away. Not to make light of anyone's situation, but this is Taaj's life, not a couple of dollars and/or a bruised ego. Taaj, the moment she found out that this woman was trying to take people's money, she exposed it. How many of you were in the meetings; Jennifer bragged about the hundreds of emails that she received and how so many were changing their twitter handles...she encouraged it. Like any abuser, she was isolating you from the fold, so that her brainwashing would be that much more effective. Many knew she was going to ask for money and you knew it was being done in secret. Taaj did not. She was alerted and so thankful to that fan, that came forward. None of you are being blamed for Jennifer's actions, nor should you be... provided that you didn't know it was a scam... So to blame Taaj, someone that wasn't part of it, is just plain ridiculous.

Mary Abass is named here because she so publicly declares war against Taaj, she always has.. and the ugliness that she says and the accusations that she makes are open for all to see. She has created blogs and had them commissioned in dedication to the blind hatred she has for Taaj. She has friends that rally together in their hatred for Taaj. She talks with Taaj's former friends, all in attempts to find out all she can about Taaj so that she can twist, contort and use it against her. Mary Abass has a very unhealthy obsession with Taaj. She uses articulation to appear as something she is not, she uses quotes and love and supposed commonalities to give the impression that she is above such nonsense. Yet she promotes it, she instigates it, she seeks it. Taaj has asked this woman for many years to just leave her alone. Taaj and Mary Abass operate on different spheres of the web, they should never collide. Yet Mary and her friends and her new recruits seek Taaj out. Taaj is not even online much these days if at all, and yet her name is still being dragged through the mud. They need her name to bring attention to themselves, as without it they would disappear into the abyss. Abass’s work is meritless and leaves nothing to be remembered. This is not an attack, it's just what is. The works of her recruits are non-existent, their only claim to the fame they so desperately seek, is hating Taaj. It's a transparent attempt at remaining  relevant.

Abass’s project is supposed to be MJJ Justice, yet we have yet to see her at the courts in LA or Santa Maria. Taaj and her people were there. In a beautiful attempt to clear Michael's name and to bring awareness to the injustices carried out by Tom Sneddon. Abass and her people talked about what Taaj was wearing, her hat her armband, they talked about how the people looked and how they read before the administration. They talked about her child who courageously and eloquently spoke about bullies. It took a lot of heart to do what those men and women did. Yet they were ridiculed and mocked. This is Mary Abass -- and this is why she is nowhere in this movement and Taaj is everywhere. Back to Jennifer Jones for a moment... Mary talked about Jennifer stranding fans in LA, Mary knew of this... she really did, she keeps her ears to the dirt. Mary is not so far from LA that she couldn't come and rescue the stranded fans. Taaj has hosted many fans in LA from all over the world. Taaj has shown them sites and brought them closer to Michael's essence and they have thanked her profusely. This is the type of woman that Taaj is. Mary exploits the arguments or broken relations of Taaj's former friends, she pretends to understand and be a voice of reason, when all she is doing is using them as pawn in her twisted obsession. When the time is right she will drop them like a bad habit and move on to the next one. 

In this world people want to belong and right now the 1% in the MJ Fan/Fam community have decided that Taaj is the town pariah. And if you want your blogs promoted and your tweets retweeted and you want your musings listened to and your tumblrs seen as the next best thing to follow, then you had better get on board with the agenda. Have you noticed that some of Taaj's biggest supporters are now in with the people that hate Taaj the most. Have you asked yourselves why, what's in it for them? Look at the connections, it's all there for you to see, just open your hearts and your minds. People that have rode with Taaj and shared friendships and intimacies as I stated earlier are now with the people whose aim it is to blame the atrocities of the world on one woman. 

Take a look at this, Michael's sister follows Taaj, she isn't following any of the others, now is she? The sister that they all, you remember... they spoke such filth about her and spread derogatory lies about this sweet woman. Questioned her motives, when dealing with her neice and nephews which are her brothers children. Now many of them kiss up to her and beg for retweets and vie for her attention. They retweet her business ventures, when at first they said she was in it, all for her own business and self promotion. Just look and you will see them.. follow the theme. It happens in your face but many choose not to see, as they are only vested in what they need from the community. These are the people that are believed and seen as the truth tellers... the community 1%. Anyone outside of this 1% is seen as confrontational, controversial, mentally unstable. But damn, they said Michael was confrontational, controversial and mentally unstable when he challenged the status quo. Don't you see it? 

Truth is: Taaj is being railroaded, there is a very elaborate plan at work here. Many that are participants are being duped and used that I can assure you. They have no idea, of just how distorted this all is, they are fueled by their own guilt and cover-ups, this is why they have become susceptible to it. The saying goes -- birds of a feather, flock together.. 

Did you know that many of the same people that are in the den of Taaj haters are actually Taaj supporters in secret. They just don't have the moxy to stand for what's right in the light of day. They message DM and email her their support but have since been discovered betraying her and now want to align with others of hate for self protection. The community 1% is very very convincing, they are charming and charismatic and will lull you to sleep and have you do their bidding. You see they aren't here for Michael, they are here to feast off Michael's name,  just as the Estate and the hanger-on's and the so called close fans and former colleagues. It's all the same... You got to see that anyone that can be your friend one minute... rally for you and then jump ship and consort with those that have declared themselves your enemy, talk smack about you and try to undermine every bit of hard work you have done...these people aren't right, and you should want no part of them as they will do it to you. How can you trust them, how can you believe in their take on any situation?

So many people have hurt feelings, they themselves have suffered and won't feel right unless they have been able to bestow that suffering unto others. That is typically why a bully behaves the way that they do. If you walk with the truth, it will always reveal itself to you. Many claim to feel for Michael and his experience and yet don't offer that same compassion to their fellow man or woman. Do you really know or begin to understand who Michael was and what he represents?

Taaj has put the truth out for all to see in a very real, non-politically correct way. Just like Michael at the National Action Network, taking the truth about racism in the industry to the streets of 5th Avenue in New York and to the posh streets of London. My God, Taaj and her other Sisters were at Julien's protesting  the elite, the rich, the so called powerful. Michael was smiling that day... noticing these women after his own heart. They don't like this and the Twitter 1% doesn't like this either. It makes them look in the mirror and they are faced with their own real intentions. Honestly, just look at the ones spreading the hate.. what have they done? How have they contributed? They deflect, so that the spot light isn't on them. If you are swept up in the wave of hate for Taaj – falsely creating a boogie man, like the captains of society, sending the militia after the enemy.. while you have your pitch forks and nooses – you can't see what they are in fact doing and your very real role in that hate. The hands have always been quicker than the eye. When you fall prey to this, you have not only outted yourselves and your true nature that must be worked on...  you have hurt someone who only wants to love, who too is trying to mend a broken heart. All in the name of what? I ask! When you see Taaj and what she has done, and continually doing.... when you see the newspaper articles and the TV interviews, Team Michael Jackson in your Google search and mentioned all over the place, it makes the others cry, "why not them". Superficially this storm is about this, while on a deeper lever it gets a bit dark and sinister...You spew hatred, because you are made of hatred. There is nothing that can't be worked out if all parties with their hearts are willing. 

Social Media is very powerful; the voices on it are equally as powerful. What has Taaj really done.. nothing but finally expose these people for who they really are. How is this so wrong? Progress of justice, love and truth is not supported by those whose goal it is to suppress vital information. The behavior is so unMichael like. Don't you see your contributions to hate? And that is what keeps it alive.

You know why Taaj is here in the community. She has shown and proved...she has walked the walk not just talked and you all know that. Mary Abass lives very close to LA and her justice project could have actually been a very real part of justice, yet it isn't. Those that have joined in the hate for Taaj, research and find out what they have done to benefit the community, I assure you they haven't. Actions speak louder than words. You decide what's real and what isn't, it's all right there plain as day.

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